Fields, 2001, 45-minute two channel movie projection, silent, 216 x 131 inches

Fields Feature, 2002, 90-minute, two channel movie projection, silent, 5” LCD monitor, size variable

Fields sequence (detail), 2001

Rebeca Bollinger, drawings and photographs, exhibition view, 2004

Fields 3-D, 2004, chromogenic prints, pencil on paper, glue, paper, foam core, Plexiglas, 28 x 36 x 26 inches

Fields 3-D, (detail), 2004, chromogenic prints, pencil on paper, glue, paper, foam core, Plexiglas, 5.25 x 7 x 6 inches

Days by Color, 2002, cut C-print on plexiglas, 62 1/2 x 32 inches

Everyday Sequentially, 2002, C-print, 31 x 51 inches

red, shift, 2001, C-print, 9 1/2 x 8 inches

yellow, 2001, C-print, 9 1/2 x 11 inches

Fields, documentation, 2001, 45-minute two channel projection, silent, 216 x 131 inches

Fields, 2001, 45-minute two channel movie projection, silent, 216 x 131 inches
Fields Feature, 2002, 90-minute, two channel movie projection, silent, 5” LCD monitor, size variable
Fields sequence (detail), 2001
Rebeca Bollinger, drawings and photographs, exhibition view, 2004
Fields 3-D, 2004, chromogenic prints, pencil on paper, glue, paper, foam core, Plexiglas, 28 x 36 x 26 inches
Fields 3-D, (detail), 2004, chromogenic prints, pencil on paper, glue, paper, foam core, Plexiglas, 5.25 x 7 x 6 inches
Days by Color, 2002, cut C-print on plexiglas, 62 1/2 x 32 inches
Everyday Sequentially, 2002, C-print, 31 x 51 inches
red, shift, 2001, C-print, 9 1/2 x 8 inches
yellow, 2001, C-print, 9 1/2 x 11 inches
Fields, documentation, 2001, 45-minute two channel projection, silent, 216 x 131 inches